Friday, February 02, 2007

Obama Stands Out With Most Somber Tone at DNC

From the National Journal's Hotline.

** Every candidate sans one peppered the crowd with buttons and bumper stickers. But Sen. Barack Obama, befitting his sober speech, had none of that. His display table outside the main ballroom was spare, expcept for a few sign up sheets and photocopied black and white signs. All the candidates sans one entered to music. But Obama had none. Every candidate packed the hall with supporters. Obama didn't do anything in advance.

** Slogans: HRC: "I'm in it to win." Vilsack: Courage to create change." Kucinich: "Strong leadership for America's future." Edwards: "Tomorrow begins today." Clark: "Securing America's future." Dodd: :"Proven Leadership. A record of results." Gravel: "Let the people decide." Biden: no slogans.

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