Friday, February 02, 2007

Obama Best at Juggling Duties

...which include running for president (o.k., o.k. exploring a run for president) and keeping his day job.
According to the Associated Press (via the San Ho Mercury News) Barack Obama has not missed a single vote in the Senate this year. On the other hand -

"Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., have missed two votes each. Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., has missed nine votes, and Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., has skipped six."

And the dubious award for most votes missed? (drumroll please...)
Kansas Senator Sam Browback, who has -

"missed more than half the votes taken in the Senate last month as he ramped up his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination.

Brownback skipped 20 of the 39 roll call votes in January, or 51 percent, according to Senate voting records. That's a higher absence rate than any other member of the Senate except Democrat Tim Johnson of South Dakota, who is recovering from a brain hemorrhage he suffered before the new session of Congress began."

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