Saturday, February 10, 2007

Barack Obama Snubs "Covenant With Black America"?

Hey David Axelrod.
Come here for a second.
Are there any Black people at AKP? If there are, do you listen to any of them? Because I'm sure they could have told you quick, fast, and in a hurry that the annual "Covenant With Black America" was today...and it is a HUGE deal. Not among Black people in general - because there are millions who don't care about Tavis Smiley's forum on all things Black - but among Black people who's big.

The Black person in your office would have told you that his aunts and uncles and cousins would not be standing out in the cold watching Barack Obama talk about Lincoln on Saturday. They would be bundled up in front of the TV watching Tavis...that is until PBS interrupted the proceedings to show the junior senator from Illinois.

No matter what you've told yourselves about not having Barack align himself with the steeped-in-the-civil-rights-movement-Black-power-vanguard...these folks matter.
Don't get me wrong. We get it...Obama has to be the candidate of inclusion, and he's got corporate money so he doesn't need little Black man money, etc. etc. But scheduling Obama's coming out party on the exact same day as the CWBA meeting was a slap in a collective and frowning Black face. See?

Even Obama supporter Charles Ogletree (Harvard Law Professor) says Barack made a mistake.

Fine Team Obama. Push ahead with your strategy and minimize the Jackson and Sharpton photo-ops. But don't do stuff to openly antagonize. Announcing on Presidents Day? Better. Sure, it is not a slow-news-day Saturday...but it is a holiday so none of the bigwigs would be in the offices at the newtorks - ensuring some fluffy coverage.

Believe me.
Or don't.
But just remember. Next year when you're trying to think of somewhere else to be, Hillary will be more than happy to take your seat at the "Covenant" table - or worse...she'll send the man who has already been dubbed America's First Black President to take her place.

Esteemed Black Historian Deems Obama's Lincoln-Heavy Speech Ironic

Senator Barack Obama made his announcement at the Old State Capitol in Springfield Illinois...where Abraham Lincoln gave his "House Divided " speech in 1858.

Obama said:
"And that is why, in the shadow of the Old State Capitol, where Lincoln once called on a divided house to stand together, where common hopes and common dreams still, I stand before you today to announce my candidacy for President of the United States..."

"As Lincoln organized the forces arrayed against slavery, he was heard to say: "Of strange, discordant, and even hostile elements, we gathered from the four winds, and formed and fought to battle through."
That is our purpose here today.

That's why I'm in this race."

But at the annual Covenant With Black America gathering in Virginia, historian Lerone Bennett called Obama's constant evocation of Lincoln ironic. Watch.

It's Officially Official. Obama Officializes White House Run.

from CBS 2 Chicago
Guess What? Barack Obama is running for President of the United States.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Barack Hussein Obama Washington

From AP via the Honolulu Star-Bulletin.

"The company (Family Forest) searched the ancestors of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, dating back many centuries.

He said the Family Forest shows Dunham having a number of her ancestral pathways leading back to early colonial Virginia and New England, and some extend back for many centuries into Europe.

One of her ancestral pathways leads to one of Obama's 12th great-grandfathers, the Hon. Laurence Washington, who built Sulgrave Manor in Northamptonshire, England.

Over the course of five centuries, according to recorded history, he became the ancestor of Washington, Carter, Gen. George S. Patton, Gov. Adlai Stevenson and Quincy Jones, Harrison said."

The article sent Slate into a tizzy and it added it to its Obama Messiah Watch, a cache of "gratuitously adoring biographical details from newspaper, television, and magazine profiles". But in 2004, 'Family Forest' also traced the Bush and Kerry families and found out those two were distant relatives and for some reason Slate didn't find stories on that offensively fawning.
Go figure.

Gays Attack Christians for Attacking Obama

From PinkNews:

"His popularity has prompted radical pro-life group Christians for Social Justice to launch ObamaNation.Com, a website "exposing" Obama's positions on abortion and same-sex unions.

In a sign of the moral battles ahead, Pastor Clenard H. Childress, Jr. director of the group, said:

"60 percent of all new AIDS cases in America will be the result of the violation of Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:27 (men having sex with men).

"If he were to become President of the United States Sen. Obama's support of homosexual unions would pose a real health threat to African Americans."

Senator Obama Jumps On Gravy Train

Barack Obama follows the lead of his main rivals and says goodbye to the chump change of public campaign financing and helloooooo to the big bucks of private donations...or does he?


"Following the lead of his chief rivals, Sen. Barack Obama will not accept public campaign financing for either the Democratic presidential primaries or the general election if he's the nominee.

The Illinois senator has decided to forego the public funds, said an official close to the Obama campaign, who spoke on condition of anonymity. The move allows him to raise and spend unlimited private money.

From AP via CNN:

"Democratic Sen. Barack Obama is asking whether he can take money from donors who want him to be president, then give it back later.

The Federal Election Commission said Wednesday that it will look into the novel question.

Obama is indicating that he wants to at least keep the option of using the public financing system for his presidential campaign if he becomes the Democratic nominee. To do so, the Illinois senator could not spend any money from contributors for political purposes, but instead use federal funding that is expected to total about $85 million for next year's general election.

"Senator Obama has long been a proponent of public financing of campaigns, and we are asking the FEC to take a step that could preserve the public financing option for the party's nominees," Obama spokesman Bill Burton said."

Obama Express...Next Stop Iowa

Hey. What are YOU doing this weekend.

Senator Barack Obama's Post-Presidential Annoucement Trip to Iowa


    Obama to make announcement concerning presidential campaign
    Location: Historic Old State Capitol , outdoors
    South 6th and East Adams
    Springfield, IL 62701

    Doors open to Public: 9:00AM
    Event start: 10:00 AM

    Tickets: The event is free and open to the public.
    Tickets are not required.

    Iowa Town Hall Meeting
    Location: Kennedy High School
    4545 Wenig Road, NE
    Cedar Rapids, IA 52402

    Doors open to Public: 3:00 PM
    Event start: 4:00 PM

    Tickets: The public is invited to pick up free tickets at the
    following distribution centers:

    Jane Boyd Center
    943 14th Avenue SE
    Cedar Rapids, IA 52403
    8:00AM-6:00PM Monday-Friday

    African American Historical Museum and Cultural Center of Iowa
    55 12th Ave SE
    Cedar Rapids, IA 52401
    10:00AM-4:00PM Monday-Saturday

    IBEW 405/Hawkeye Labor Council
    1211 Wiley Boulevard SW
    Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

    Kennedy High School
    4545 Wenig Rd NE
    Cedar Rapids, IA 52402
    10:00AM-5:00PM Monday-Friday

    Waterloo community meet-and-greet with Senator Obama
    Location: Central Middle School Gymnasium
    1350 Katoski Drive
    Waterloo, IA 50701

    Doors open to Public: 6:30 PM
    Event start: 7:30 PM

    Tickets: The public is invited to pick up free tickets at the
    following distribution centers:

    Central Middle School
    1350 Katoski Drive
    Waterloo, IA
    8 AM to 2 PM daily

    Black Hawk Labor Temple
    1695 Burton Avenue
    Waterloo, IA
    8 AM to 5 PM daily

    UNI Center for Multicultural Education
    2401 College Street
    Cedar Falls, IA
    8 AM to 9 PM daily


    Obama Rally with Students and Community
    Location: Beyer Gymnasium at Beyer Hall
    Union Drive
    Iowa State University
    Ames, IA 50011

    Doors open to Public: 11:00 AM
    Event start: 12:00 PM

    Tickets: The public is invited to pick up free tickets at the
    following distribution centers:

    Gateway Real Estate
    119 Stanton Ave, 2nd Floor, Ames
    Hours TBD

    Iowa State Memorial Union
    Iowa State University
    2229 Lincoln Way, Ames
    10AM-2PM Wednesday Thursday and Friday

    American Country
    327 Main Street, Ames
    9:30AM-5:30PM Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
    9:30AM-7:00PM Thursday

    Smoke ‘N Antlers Bar-B-Q
    4518 Mortenson Rd, Suite 104, Ames
    Wednesday and Thursday 11:00AM-2:00PM and 4:00-9:00PM
    Friday 11:00AM-2:00PM and 4:00-11:00PM
    Saturday 11:00AM-11:00PM

    Obama Rally in Chicago
    Location: University of Illinois - Chicago
    525 South Racine Avenue
    Chicago, IL 60607

    Doors open to Public: 3:30 PM
    Event start: 5:30 PM

    Tickets: The public is invited to pick up free tickets at the
    following distribution centers beginning Wednesday:

    Public hotline number: 773-235-1773
    E-mail Address:

    333 S Ashland, 60607
    Wednesday - Friday 9am - 5pm

    49th Ward Democratic Headquarters
    1774 W Greenleaf, 60626
    Wednesday - Thursday 9am - 9pm
    Friday 9am - 6pm
    Saturday 9am - 6pm
    Sunday 12pm - 2pm

    Kane County Democratic Headquarters
    700 E Main St, St Charles, 60174
    Wednesday - Friday 5pm - 8pm

    29th Ward Democratic Headquarters
    5037 W Madison
    Wednesday - Friday 9am- 5 pm
    Saturday 10am - 1pm

    4th Ward Democratic HQ
    4659 Cottage Grove, Chicago
    Wednesday - Friday 9a-8a
    Saturday 1-5p

    Oak Park Democratic Party
    1243 Woodvine, Oak Park
    Wednesday and Friday and Saturday 9am-12p
    Wednesday, Thursday 6-9pm

    Lake County Democratic Headquarters
    709 N Ave., Waukegan
    847 623 4656
    Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9am - 5pm Saturday and Sunday 9am - 5pm

    House of Hope Box Office
    752 E 114th St, Chicago
    Wednesday 2pm - 8pm
    Thursday and Friday 10am - 4pm
    Saturday 10am - 7pm

Obama, Snow...'Something Doesn't Add Up'

From AP via WREX-TV

"Critics charge the military is obscuring the actual number of troops wounded in both Iraq and Afghanistan by leaving out soldiers and Marines who suffer non-combat injuries.

The most frequently circulated number of those who've been wounded is about 23,000. But when troops hurt in other ways, including accidents, is added in, the number more than doubles to about 53,000.

Senators Barack Obama and Olympia Snowe are introducing legislation to require what they call "honest numbers" about the wars' toll.

Presidential hopeful Obama says the effects on soldiers and their families is the same whether the soldier is hit by enemy fire, injured in a crash or made sick by service in a war zone."

Now if they could also get pictures to the public of all those flag-draped coffins that are coming back...

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Obama, Clinton, Edwards...The Streisand Split

Where There's Smoke...

Barack Obama's incentive to try to quit smoking?
From the Chicago Tribune:

"Americans haven't elected an open and unabashed cigarette smoking president since Franklin D. Roosevelt, though others such as Lyndon Johnson smoked on occasion. The rules seem also to extend to political spouses such as First Lady Laura Bush, who found it necessary to quash her habit, or at least take it underground.

In Obama's case, the pressure isn't just political. His wife has always been concerned about his smoking and, over the holidays, according to family friend Valerie Jarrett, the two of them agreed that he "should stop now."