Saturday, December 09, 2006

Rivalry with Clinton? What Rivalry?

(Illustration by Stanford Kay for Newsweek

It's Cold in Chicago, Nothing To Do But Stay in and Write

Visiting Hallowed Ground (New Hampshire)

Race Matters

Friday, December 08, 2006

Barack on Iraq

San Francisco Radio Host Calls Obama "Halfrican"

Audio clip and transcript from Media Matters:

(pic five fingered from

From the December 4 edition of KSFO's Sussman, Morgan & Vic:

MORGAN: Senator Obama, who is, as you call, a 'Halfrican' --

SUSSMAN: Halfrican and, again, his father was -- his father was from Kenya, his mother's white. OK, now, I have nothing with mixed -- nothing against mixed-race people but, my point is, when this guy stands in front of a black audience, pretending like he was born and raised in the hood, and he can identify with their problems, he doesn't allow -- he is not, in my opinion -- 'cause my opinion is your average white guy -- he is not allowed to wear the African-American badge because his family are not the descendants of slaves, OK? He can't identify with the discrimination and the slavery and all of that that's gone into these black families for generations; he's a kid who was raised with a silver spoon in his mouth in a white family in Hawaii, OK? You wanna call me names for saying this? Go right ahead. I'm just telling you what the guy is.

MORGAN: Well --

TOM BENNER (aka "Officer Vic," KSFO morning traffic reporter): And you're not making this up. I mean, it's documented, for goodness sake. You can look it up.

SUSSMAN: I'm not making this up, so I just -- I get offended and I know I have many black friends who get offended when he stands in front of that black audience talking like he's from the hood, born and raised, and I can -- can identify with all of their issues. He can't!

MORGAN: Well, and guess what? It's working. It's working big-time.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Hussein Game

Stumping in Clinton's Back Yard

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Barack Obama on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (1)

The Smoking Gun

A Liberal Democrat Walks into an Evangelical Church...