Thursday, December 28, 2006

Barack: I was first on Iraq!

The junior senator from Illinois takes the opportunity do a little delineating between himself and the competition. Obama sent out a little e-reminder that he NEVER wanted war in Iraq....unlike a certain other potential presidential candidate- who also happens to be a former first lady.


"As the New Year approaches, we are told that the President is considering the deployment of tens of thousands of additional troops to Iraq in the desperate hope of subduing the burgeoning civil war there.

This is a chilling prospect that threatens to compound the tragic mistakes he has already made over the last four years."

"In 2002, I strongly opposed the invasion of Iraq (Unlike unsaid senator who voted to send troops into Iraq) because I felt it was an ill-conceived venture which I warned would "require a U.S. occupation of undetermined length, at undermined cost, with undetermined consequences." I said then that an invasion without strong international support could drain our military, distract us from the war with al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and further destabilize the Middle East."

And there's more...

"As I said more than a month ago, while some have proposed escalating this war by adding thousands of more troops, there is little reason to believe that this will achieve these results either. It's not clear that these troop levels are sustainable for a significant period of time, and according to our commanders on the ground, adding American forces will only relieve the Iraqis from doing more on their own. Moreover, without a coherent strategy or better cooperation from the Iraqis, we would only be putting more of our soldiers in the crossfire of a civil war."

This missive also comes after former North Carolina senator John Edwards - who has just officially announced he's running for president- staked his position on the Iraq issue.

Getting more interesting.

Obama, Edwards take Iowa

While Hillary Clinton was busy Christmas shopping, Barack and John E. horn in on voters in Des Moines (About: News and Issues)

John Edwards 22%
Barack Obama 22%
Tom Vilsack 12%
Hillary Clinton 10%
Al Gore 7%
John Kerry 5%
Wesley Clark 4%
Dennis Kucinich 4%
Joe Biden 1%
Evan Bayh 1%
Bill Richardson 1%
Undecided 11%

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Rezko Stench Wafts Through Again

To: Barack. From: N.H. Merry X-Mas

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Obama Backlash and Black-lash

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Happy Holidays from the Obamas

Photo e-five fingered from
America's Next First Lady.

Barack O. Bomber? The McLaughlin Group

Grumpy old pundits argue over Baramma Obammer. Fun times.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Barack's Black Woman Bounce

"America's Next First Lady" says:
More reasons for Bill and Hill to worry about team Obama.
From the Dec. 25th 2006 issue of Newsweek:

" Another African-American woman in Congress, who asked not to be identified for fear of offending the Clintons, says, "If her (Hillary Clinton's) base is black women, it vanishes down to zero" if Obama gets in. The fact that Obama is married to an African-American woman (Michelle Obama, a vice president of the University of Chicago Hospitals) is critically important to this constituency."

And what else do we know about this constituency? High-profile Democratic strategist and usually dead-on all around political guru Donna Brazile (more on this First Lady of her field later...) said in Essence magazine that black women are:

the most loyal and consistent voters in American politics. Without us, there would be no Senator... Hillary Clinton of New York."

And now it can be extrapolated that without them perhaps there will be no President Hillary Clinton of the United States.
The Bill/Hill picture gets even bleaker when you throw in an Obama endorsement from Queen Oprah. Once the big "O" speaks, Hillary can kiss at least 14 million crucial votes good-bye. That sum is the number of African American women who will "vote Michelle", plus their menfolk's ballots - which you can bet will also be marked for Obama...or else.

And who says the race isn't about America's Next First Lady?

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Thursday, December 14, 2006

CNN Plays Name Game

Blase about Obama

Draft Obama TV Spot

Obama hasn't said he's running yet. But just in case...

Fuel to the Fire

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The New Hampshire Afterglow

Barack Obama on Monday Night Football

Obama's "Special Announcement"

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Obama in New Hampshire

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Rivalry with Clinton? What Rivalry?

(Illustration by Stanford Kay for Newsweek

It's Cold in Chicago, Nothing To Do But Stay in and Write

Visiting Hallowed Ground (New Hampshire)

Race Matters

Friday, December 08, 2006

Barack on Iraq

San Francisco Radio Host Calls Obama "Halfrican"

Audio clip and transcript from Media Matters:

(pic five fingered from

From the December 4 edition of KSFO's Sussman, Morgan & Vic:

MORGAN: Senator Obama, who is, as you call, a 'Halfrican' --

SUSSMAN: Halfrican and, again, his father was -- his father was from Kenya, his mother's white. OK, now, I have nothing with mixed -- nothing against mixed-race people but, my point is, when this guy stands in front of a black audience, pretending like he was born and raised in the hood, and he can identify with their problems, he doesn't allow -- he is not, in my opinion -- 'cause my opinion is your average white guy -- he is not allowed to wear the African-American badge because his family are not the descendants of slaves, OK? He can't identify with the discrimination and the slavery and all of that that's gone into these black families for generations; he's a kid who was raised with a silver spoon in his mouth in a white family in Hawaii, OK? You wanna call me names for saying this? Go right ahead. I'm just telling you what the guy is.

MORGAN: Well --

TOM BENNER (aka "Officer Vic," KSFO morning traffic reporter): And you're not making this up. I mean, it's documented, for goodness sake. You can look it up.

SUSSMAN: I'm not making this up, so I just -- I get offended and I know I have many black friends who get offended when he stands in front of that black audience talking like he's from the hood, born and raised, and I can -- can identify with all of their issues. He can't!

MORGAN: Well, and guess what? It's working. It's working big-time.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Hussein Game

Stumping in Clinton's Back Yard

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Barack Obama on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno (1)

The Smoking Gun

A Liberal Democrat Walks into an Evangelical Church...

Saturday, December 02, 2006

World Aids Day

Barack Obama - A message on World Aids Day.

By 'World Aids Day '- Barack Obama
Dec 2, 2006, 04:33

Dear Friend,

AIDS is a story often told by numbers. 40 million infected with HIV. 5 million just last year. 12 million orphans in Africa. 8,000 deaths and 6,000 new infections every single day. In some places, 90% of those with HIV do not know they have it. And we just learned that AIDS is set to become the 3rd leading cause of death worldwide in the coming years.

On this World AIDS Day, please consider supporting one of these organizations or a local group and join the fight against AIDS.

The Global Fund

The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation


U.S. Senator Barack Obama

Friday, December 01, 2006

Chicago's Ch. 7, Obama to Announce in January

Clinton's Worst Nightmare

Pimpin' All Over the World

  • Michelle Distracts Oprah while Bahm-Bahm Gets His Meet on with Luda (First Lady File)

Evanglicals, Clintons, and Bloggers. Oh my.

  • Famed Pastor Defends Invitation to Obama (Forbes)
  • Clinton versus Obama: Is there any difference? (MSNBC)
  • Websites try to persuade Obama to run for president (AP)

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Australia's ABC on Obama

U.S. Presidential Race Kicks Off (ABC Online)

KIM LANDERS: White House hopefuls like Democrat Senator Barack Obama are testing the political waters as the presidential campaign for 2008 gets underway.

BARACK OBAMA: You know, I'm not in an enormous rush. I think these are the decisions that you try to make sure that you have all the information you need, and that you know what's in your gut and what's in your heart.

KIM LANDERS: It's already clear that the US involvement in Iraq will drive the presidential race. Barack Obama has opposed the war from the outset, and he's now calling for a staged withdrawal.He hasn't decided whether to seek the Democratic nomination for President, but the African American Senator is being egged on by the likes of Oprah.Fellow Democrat Maxine Waters regards Barack Obama as the future of her party
.MAXINE WATERS: Well, I mean, he is the rock star of politics.

Monday, November 20, 2006

CNN Interview

  • Sen. Obama: Iraq withdrawal should begin in 2007 (CNN)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Fight Wal-Mart, Wal-Mart Fights Back

  • Obama, Edwards to speak to Wal-Mart critics as debate heats up (WQAD)
  • Sen. Obama: You Gotta Pay Your Workers Enough (WLTX)
  • Former Senator Johan Edwards Turns to Wal-Mart for PlayStation3 (PRNewswire)


  • Obama Land Deal Clouds Senator's Image (NPR)
  • Internet Editor Requests Criminal Investigation Into Obama-Rezko Deal (PRNewswire)

Monday, November 13, 2006

Yes. No. Maybe.

  • Clooney: Obama Didn't Drop Presidential Bomb (TMZ)
  • Obama Needs "a Little Bit More Time" to Decide on '08 ABC

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The New Decider

Barack Obama says he will make a decision about making the run for 1600 within "a few months."
Watch a pack of rabid reporters in BO's hometown tear at their own flesh while trying to get even a pseudo-answer about a presidential bid.