Saturday, January 27, 2007

100,000 Facebookers for Obama - and Counting

The Goal: to be "1 million storng for Barack" by February 5th. (Media 50 Group)

"Here is their milestones on the way to that goal:

100 - Same day (January 16th) Reached
1000 - (Jan 19th) Reached
10000 - (Jan 26th) Reached
100000 - (Feb 1st)
1000000 - (Feb 5th)

And here is their progress so far:

Its official…

100 in less than 1 hour…
1000 in just over 24 hours
10000 reached 6 days ahead of schedule
And as of this posting, they have 101,140 members."

Barack-star Appeal

Again from the Washington Post...

Obama's Intellect

From the Washington Post:

"Obama analyzed and integrated Einstein's theory of relativity, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, as well as the concept of curved space as an alternative to gravity, for a Law Review article that Tribe wrote titled, "The Curvature of Constitutional Space."

Full article here.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Ford Won't Endorse Obama

Soooooooo Mr. EX-congressman Ford. It was fine for you to drag Senator Obama all the way down to Tennessee to help you try to wash some of the mud off you during your reaaallllyyy nasty senate campaign last fall. Fine to use the guy with the wholesome, scholarly image, and the wife, and the daughters to lift you up after the Republicans white-womaned your a#!. Fine to try to coat your doomed efforts with a little "Barack-star-dust". Remember? The Washington Post does.

Fast forward a few months, and nooooowwww you say you have to remain neutral in the 2008 presidential race because of your consolation prize position as chairman of the Democratic Leadership Council? Dude. Come ON.

Fast forward again to election day 2008 -

Ford: "Hey Barack man, just a quick call to check in before the polls close. Need anything?"
Obama: "Texas and Florida would be nice."
Ford: "Well I don't know how they'll go but I know there are at least three votes you can count on come hell or high water...your wife's, your grandmother's and mine. Heh heh heh."

(2 minutes later)

Ford: "Hey Hillary, just a quick call to check in before the polls close. Need anything?"
Clinton: "Who is this?"
Ford: "It's Harold - hey I just wanted to say even though I had to remain neutral in public - off the record you know I voted for you right?"
Clinton: "Ickes are you on crack? Of course I know you voted for me you're my lawyer, now find out what's going on in Ohio and call me back." (Click)

Dr. Barack Wants to Do What Hillary Couldn't

At a Families U.S.A conference in Washington Senator O said:

"I am absolutely determined that by the end of the first term of the next president (ME ME ME) we should have universal health care in this country"

Obama snags healthcare as main plank in platform (AP/Washington Post)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What Took You So Long?

ABC says Team Obama is now aggressively smacking down the fake Madrassa story. Too bad it took them a good five days to launch a serious counter-attack.
Wake up guys. This is the big time. Take a page from the Clinton play book.

When John Edwards was giving a speech on Jan. 15th at Riverside Church in New York
he said:
"Silence is betrayal. And I believe it is a betrayal not to speak out against the escalation of the war in Iraq. If you are in Congress and you know that this war is going in the wrong is no longer O.K. to study your options and keep your own private counsel."

He didn't even mention Hillary by name and still her camp was allllllll over it. Before Johnny could say 'Happy King Day' - Hill had Howard Wolfson accusing Edwards of being a hypocrite by talking about running "positive" campaigns and then launching "political attacks on Democrats who are fighting the Bush administration's Iraq policy."

It's called "rapid" response guys. Not we'll wait until this gets unnecessarily big response.

Time: It's a Black Thing?

full story at

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

State of the Union: Where's Obama?

McCain? Yes.
Clinton? Kinda.
Lieberman? Rangel? Grassley? Yes. Yes. Yes.
All of the above got some solo face-time in prime-time during Bush's State of the Union address. A political head-shot worth millions.

But the director gave the junior senator from Illinois no close-up love. All shots of Barack Obama included senators Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy and a bunch of other folks.
I'm not saying anything. I'm just saying.

CNN on the Madrassa Madness

Complete with photos of a little boy Barack - CNN does some reporting to file this report in response to a report that Obama reportedly attended a Muslim religious school.

JAKARTA, Indonesia (CNN) -- Allegations that Sen. Barack Obama was educated in a radical Muslim school known as a "madrassa" are not accurate, according to CNN reporting.

Insight Magazine, which is owned by the same company as The Washington Times, reported on its Web site last week that associates of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-New York, had unearthed information the Illinois Democrat and likely presidential candidate attended a Muslim religious school known for teaching the most fundamentalist form of Islam.

So CNN checked with the Clinton camp:

A spokesman for Clinton, who is also weighing a White House bid, denied that the campaign was the source of the Obama claim.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Media Matters Probes Obama-Madrassa Issue


"On The Big Story, Gibson read a statement from Obama's office, which said: "The idea that Senator Barack Obama attended some radical Islamic school is completely ludicrous. Senator Obama is a committed Christian and attends the United Church of Christ in Chicago."

Brownback, Richardson Also Giving Obama a Run for His Money

The Clinton Cometh

...reaction to political powerhouse's decision to run (AP/New York Newsday)

Obama: "Senator Clinton is a good friend and a colleague whom I greatly respect. I welcome her and all the candidates, not as competitors, but as allies in the work of getting our country back on track." _ Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., who also is running for president."

Candidates In, Potential First Ladies Out
(America's Next First Lady)