Monday, March 19, 2007

A Call for Action from Team Obama

...the campaign marks fourth anniversary of Iraq war by taking the opportunity to remind voters again that Senator BO was against military action from the get go.
Read release here.

Cautious Barack Appears on Larry King Live

Heart surgery be damned. CNN staple Larry King was not going to pass up the opportunity to ask the man who could be America's next president the semi-tough questions his producers prepared for him. Fresh from the hospital King asked the Senator about everything from the Iraq War, to revamping health care, to the now infamous interview where mogul, and new Barack supporter, David Geffen bashed former friend Hillary Clinton.

Not a bad showing by Obama, but the Senator was not his usual smooth self. You could see the wheels turning during the Iraq part of the interview... "don't let me say soldiers lives are being wasted, don't let me say soldiers lives are being wasted." Larry gave him a chance to address last month's blunder - and he did a very cautious clean up.

Senator Bo Joins the Gonzalez Beatdown

From the Nashua Telegraph
"Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said President Bush should fire any political aide linked to the decision last year to fire eight federal prosecutors.

Obama didn’t mention anyone by name Friday, but the comments come as e-mails show Bush political strategist Karl Rove asked in January 2005 about firing all U.S. attorneys.

“To the extent that you’ve got political consultants making decisions about replacing U.S. attorneys because they are not engaging in politically motivated investigations, I think those individuals should be fired,’’ Obama, an Illinois senator, said during an interview with The Telegraph between campaign stops."

Obama in East Bay

The California Majority Report has the photo evidence of just how popular Senator BO is in the Bay Area. It's estimated some 12-thousand people came out to hear his stump speech. One highlight...plans to revamp health care.