Sunday, January 14, 2007

Another Money Man for Team Obama

Louis Susman, seen here in the Chicago Tribune when he was raising nearly a quarter billion dollars for the Kerry campaign in '04, is now on board the Obama train.

From the Chicago Sun Times:

"If you want to be president of the United States, he is the one you want to call before you even talk it over with your own mother. Louis Susman is his name. He lives in Chicago. And at this moment, he is ready to do whatever Illinois Sen. Barack Obama needs him to do to take the White House in 2008. If Obama is running (and he is), then Susman will be pivotal to raising the cash...
How much money did Susman raise for Kerry? A bundle: $247 million. A vacuum cleaner was how someone once described him for a 2005 Tribune article, saying Susman was able to ''Hoover'' money from ''deep pockets.''

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